Jennifer Bonn
3 min readMar 21, 2020


Why Runners Walk

There are many runners who think walking during a run is a sign of weakness while others see it as a strategy to conserve energy and cover more distance. Many of us have experienced the runner who passes us, then walks until we run by, then runs, then walks, inevitably beating us in the end. Jeff Galloway has proved himself as an elite runner, and he believes that walking within a run is beneficial, yet some runners think it shows a lack of training, so is there a case for walking during a run or not?

I strongly believe that it is perfectly fine to walk during a run, especially for a longer distance. Let me tell you why I feel that way based on my own experience.

· I find I run faster when I know I can take a short break here and there to catch my breath. I only walk for a few steps, but it is a chance to breathe deep and prepare to start again.

· A run is a lot like life, there are going to be different situations and different terrains and if you try to approach them all the same way you will not be as successful as if you used a varied approach. I watch runners who stay at the same pace for an entire race whether they are on a flat or going up or down a hill. I think they would have a faster race if they changed it up a bit.

· There are so many run/walk apps out there and the runners using them always seem to beat me, so I think there must be some value in walking.

· Taking a break here and there means you may be less sore the next day which means you can recover quicker and train…



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My