Teach Your Child to Be a Global Citizen

Jennifer Bonn
2 min readJun 22, 2024
Photo by Greg Rosenke on Unsplash

I have always believed that one of the best educational goals is to become a global citizen. If you can afford to travel then that is possibly the most fun way to learn about the world, but you can still become a global citizen by making a consistent effort to learn about different countries and their cultures right at home.

My daughter and I just returned from a trip to France. We took eight women on their first trip there. Two of them had never been out of the country, so it was interesting to see them experience a different culture. They all agreed on the importance of opening up our worldview to expand beyond our environment. Here are a few reasons they mentioned.

Understanding a different style of life

Different cultures have different lifestyles and priorities. There is a different pace for the way things move. In the United States, we often eat quickly because we need to get back to work, or because we are off to our next activity. In France, food is meant to be savored and eaten slowly and enjoyed with family and friends. Life moves slightly slower there.

Breaking down stereotypes

When you travel you can dispel many of the stereotypes you may have heard and you can be an ambassador who proves that the stereotypes they have for us are wrong.



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My blogwww.jenniferswriting.org