My Daughter Wants To Leave The Country

Jennifer Bonn
2 min readJul 3, 2024
Photo by Thomas de LUZE on Unsplash

My daughter called me today and told me she had a serious talk with her husband about moving to another country. She mentioned the political unrest and the intolerance in our country. She also talked about all the additives in our food and the inability of our health care system to take good care of us.

As a parent, I pause before reacting to anything. I mentioned that many other countries have their own struggles right now, and no matter where we lived there would be challenges. I say we because wherever she takes my grandchild I am following.

I wanted to make sure that I gave the correct response though because there is some validity in her fear. We took eight women to France two weeks ago and they all commented on how fresh the food tasted. One woman asked why we couldn’t do better with our food. The supreme court passed a law for presidential immunity that places the president above the law. Why would our president be committing a crime in the first place? Women are losing ground with their rights, and hatred is on the rise. Fear is not a bizarre emotion right now.

I am conservative in my beliefs and cannot be labeled an extremist, but I have expanded my garden, and started to stock up the pantry. I’m becoming a bit of a prepper. I love this country and my daughter, so I’m praying we can solve some of our issues.



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My