Mood Boards

Jennifer Bonn
3 min readMay 22, 2023

Many people have heard of vision boards which are a way to manifest our goals visually. You can pick pictures of what you hope to have in your life and imagine it coming true. There are many stories of people who claim to have received what was on the board.

A mood board aims to boost your mood and remind you of all the great things in your life. It’s a feel-good board to boost your mood and motivation. A mood board can be pictures of accomplishments to remind you how amazing you are, it can be something that inspires you, something you aspire to be or have, or something that reminds you of a great memory. Here are a few examples that anyone could use to make a mood board.

You can put up pictures with bursts of color. These could be flowers or other photos with beautiful shades. I know color can always boost my mood.

Find photos of your favorite pets. We recently lost a pet we had had for fourteen years and having photos of him around makes me smile.

Put up photos of the people you love. Being surrounded by pictures of friends and family is always a mood booster.

Post evidence of accomplishments, you have had. On those days you feel you can’t do anything right those photos will remind you that you can.

Add thank you notes or words of affirmation you have been given. If I am feeling down I look…



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My