Jedi Mind Tricks for Parents

Jennifer Bonn
3 min readMay 9, 2024
Photo by Jim Tegman on Unsplash

Most parents would love to have a definitive guide to parenting, but being a parent is more of a learn-as-you-go experience. Parenting requires all your skills, but mental sharpness is one of the most important. You need to be able to react quickly while keeping your cool. You have to be resilient and flexible.

Parenting can be tough and it does not stop when they are 18. There are, however, a few tricks that I have learned through 37 years of parenting, and 40 years of teaching. My husband calls them my Jedi mind tricks. I love to see his look of awe when I use one that works beautifully. Here are a few of those tricks that have worked for me.

· Offer choices. Let’s say your child comes to you and says they do not want to attend college, but you would like to see them earn a college degree. Instead of losing your cool or beginning to list the reasons why that is not an option try saying this, “Okay, tell me why?” Many students, even those with high grades are afraid of college and don’t think they will do well. Open up the dialogue to talk about your child’s feelings. You can also do what I did when I said, “Okay, what is your plan then?” That simple question made her think about what her plan would look like without college.

When younger children ask to purchase something they can be given the choice between two things.



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My