Fixing the Broken Pieces

Jennifer Bonn
3 min readDec 31, 2022

I love this time of the year because it feels as if you can reinvent yourself, reflect on what you should keep and what you should change, and generally make yourself better. You can make new goals or continue with some old ones. While many people make general resolutions, this year I am making one general goal with a few more specific goals related to the general one. This year, I am going to work on fixing the broken pieces.

Most years, I say that I am going to do my best to improve and be the best I can be, but this year has shown me that If I want to live my best life, I need to address some specific areas of my life where I have been too passive. I am actually pretty excited about making a few changes because it makes me feel like I am finally standing up for myself instead of only going with the flow and trying not to make any waves. Let me tell you how I plan to do this.

I have always made a vision board where I put photos and goals of what I want to accomplish for the year, but in the past, the board has been hidden behind some flowers and I never really focused on it. Today, I cleared away a spot where it is in clear sight, and I will be focusing on what I am hoping to achieve.

I am going to be more assertive about my wants and needs. I don’t mean I am going to be a diva, but if there is something I would like to do I am going to express…



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My