A Dream So Real

Jennifer Bonn
2 min readMar 15, 2023

Have you ever had a dream that you swore was real? I have had several experiences that seemed so much more than dreams. I awoke the next day with a very clear memory of what had happened and questions about why it had happened.

One of these dreams was about my godfather Jimmy. I was blessed with some amazing aunts and uncles and in my opinion, my godparents were the kindest. My uncle Jimmy was tall and handsome with wavy dark hair. He had a calm presence about him, and I always enjoyed being around him. I had just retired and I was worried about many things including finances. One night, I went to sleep with my worries churning in my head. In my dream, I was standing in a parking lot with my Uncle Jimmy in front of me. He was dressed in his Sunday best, and he looked so glad to see me. We hugged and then he said, “Jen, I came to tell you that everything is going to be o.k. You can stop worrying.” He smiled at me, and I looked down. When I looked back up he was gone. The next day, I felt such a sense of peace. I felt as if he was my messenger to tell me I was going to be fine.

Another dream was just a few days ago. My husband and I recently started sleeping in separate rooms because his snoring keeps me awake at night. I was having one of those nights where I was tossing and turning, and thinking of a million things. I had dozed off when I woke up. John was standing over me with his hand on my back and I thought, “Oh, I must have been snoring.” I said something to him, and he replied, I said something else, and he replied again. I fell back asleep and when…



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My blogwww.jenniferswriting.org