14 Ways to Improve Your Day
Have you had one of those days recently when you wake up on the wrong foot feeling like you need at least two more hours of sleep? I woke up like that today. I had a headache that was probably from a lack of caffeine, but my husband was in a hurry to go to the gym, so I grabbed a cup and sipped and sloshed out to the car where I realized the Sunday paper, I was looking forward to reading had not been delivered. After checking my phone, I was told it would be delivered tomorrow. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have as much free time on Monday to leisurely read the paper. I was already in a rotten mood when my husband asked me what was on my agenda today. That simple question made me even grumpier as I realized I needed to go to grocery shop and vacuum when what I wanted to do was curl up and take a nap.
At that point in my silly pitty party I realized how ridiculous I was being and that I had the power to turn my day around. When I was teaching and a student came in under a storm cloud, I always said, “You are the only one who can turn this day around. Your choice.” My day did get better because my attitude improved, and I used some strategies that I know work to improve your day. Let me share them with you.
Count your blessings. God has a way of helping me remember my blessings by putting people in front of me who make any struggle I think I’m having look small…