10 Ways to Keep a Toddler Amused

Jennifer Bonn
3 min readSep 9, 2024
Photo by Senjuti Kundu on Unsplash

If you ask parents who presently have a toddler, or remember the toddler years, what it is like to parent a toddler, you might see them shiver as a look of fear enters their eyes. They will tell you that the toddler years bring a roller coaster ride because the toddlers are finding their place in the scheme of things, testing the limits, and throwing around emotions like confetti. A parent needs to be patient, creative, flexible, and most of all have a great sense of humor.

One of the goals of parents is to find activities the toddlers will love so the parents can have a few minutes of peace while the toddler plays. My grandson is three and if he is engaged in an activity my daughter will say, “Nobody move, don’t breathe, don’t make a sound.” We all laugh when she says this, but I think she is dead serious. I’m sure she is not alone, so here are a few ideas to keep your toddler busy.

· Any activity with water. Water will keep a child amused for long periods of time. My husband used to fill up a large plastic container with water and toys and call it Parker’s pool. Parker loved it. A water table has activities to do with water. You can let them play in the kitchen sink, and the bathtub is always good for fun. Even taking a smaller container and letting them put toys in it will keep them amused.



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My blogwww.jenniferswriting.org