10 tips for healthy traveling

Jennifer Bonn
2 min readSep 25, 2024

Traveling should be fun, but it can take a toll on our bodies. There is always a little stress, we stray from our normal routines, sleep patterns are off, and we are in a different environment. All of this contributes to a perfect storm for our health. I would like to offer you several things that work for me. The first three involve your mental health and the rest are physical.

  1. Don’t try to do everything at once. Our neighbors tried to see all of Paris in 2 days. They were miserable and tired and had a terrible time. Travel destinations should be savored, not devoured. Trying to do everything at once will exhaust you. Plan one or two things a day and go out at a leisurely pace to enjoy them thoroughly.
  2. Have a plan b. Plan ahead of time where you would like to visit and do. Pinterest is a fun site to look for ideas. Ask for recommendations from friends and family and make your itinerary.
  3. Be ready to pivot. You could have the best plan, but something might happen to derail your plans, so keep a positive attitude, regroup, and initiate plan b.
  4. Wash your hands. Whenever I have done school trips in France, I tell students “use a toilet whenever one is available, (they are not always plentiful), and wash your hands often to stay healthy. Keep your hands away from your eyes and mouth.
  5. Take your vitamins. Anything you can do to boost your immune system is a good idea. Take your vitamins, drink orange juice, and drink a vitamin C packet.
  6. Drink green tea. It might be easier to grab a coffee or a soft drink, but if you choose green tea, you can boost your immunity.
  7. Hydrate. Water can help you to avoid headaches and fatigue, and help you to not overeat.
  8. Prioritize sleep and rest. Plan some time each day to regroup and refresh. Have a snack and take a few minutes to take it easy.
  9. Take apple cider vinegar. This should be in everyone’s pantry to be added to your daily diet. Put a tablespoon in water everyday to maintain good health.

10. Balance your diet. We all go off track sometimes when it comes to eating on vacation, but do your best to balance the good with the bad. Food is fuel and you need good fuel to stay healthy.



Jennifer Bonn

My specialties are education, running, parenting, and self-help. My book 101 Tips to Lighten Your Burden can be found on Amazon. My blogwww.jenniferswriting.org